BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Julie Arce

Indoor Wedding of Pale people

I am shooting a wedding in October and it will be indoors. I just took their engagement photos outdoors and they came out very pale. They are both kinda pasty white. My question is how will I make them look more alive with more color? Is there a filter or some other technique that will help with warming the skin tones??

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August 09, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  I've seen a few filters that make the skin tone look a warmer color. I'm not quite sure what brand the ones that I saw were, but I know they have them in more than one. I would check around photo shops and ask about them. The ones I saw were just called warm colored filters.

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August 09, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  You could get a warming filter but it sounds like it may be more of an exposure or printing problem.

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August 09, 2005

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