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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Karthik M. Siddhun

How does a Close-up Filter works?

I came to know "Close-up Filters" recently. They have marking of +1,+2,+4, what are they representing? Can we use it even if our camera had "Close-up Mode" in command dial.? What is the advantage of this filter?
Any advice please.

With thanks in advance,

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August 09, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  The larger the number, the stronger the diopter, or the closer you can focus. Owning a "set" of +1, +2, and +3 or +4 allows you to pick which one will work on whatever you are shooting. You can even "stack" them on your lens in any order you want so as to get the exact focusing distance you need.
The best thing to do is put them on your lens, and start experimenting with focusing distances until you have an idea of how close or far away you need to be with each one, and what the image looks like with each one.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 09, 2005


Karthik M. Siddhun
  Thanks for your explanation. Does this "Close-up filters" bring more clarity on focusing "Flies/Insects" like subjects?. Does it do any Magnification of the subject too? ( I have Canon EOS 66 with 28-80mm lens).


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August 09, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  The close-up filters or diopters simply allow your lens to focus in a closer range than they normally would be able to.
They work EXACTLY the same as if you were to look through a magnifying glass with your eyes. In fact, that's all these filters are - just a magnifying glass for your lens.
So yes, your insect will be magnified, and the clarity of the insect should be improved since it is now bigger on your film or digital file.
FYI - I would only shoot at the 80mm end of your zoom with close up filters. The 28mm end will look too distorted, and show too much of the background area for my tastes.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 09, 2005


Karthik M. Siddhun
  Thank you very much again for your valuable inputs Mr.Michael.
With regards,

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August 10, 2005

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