BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Tom Walker

nikkor non AI lenses

I have 2 Nikkor 50mm f1.4 lenses, one is an S and one is an SC. What is the difference? I was told the SC was coated and the S was not, but I get a "coating" color cast from each when reflecting light, the S is magenta and the SC is a light green

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August 08, 2005


Jon Close
  The "S" on older Nikkors indicates the lens has 7 elements ("Septem"). A Nikkor-P ("Pente") would have 5 elements. I think all Nikkor lenses were at least single-coated. The "C" designates the improved multi-coating used beginning about 1975, and has the green color you mention.

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August 09, 2005


Tom Walker
  Thanks Jon, I figured if anybody knew , it would be you...Tom

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August 09, 2005

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