BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 



I have been taking pictures of my baby sister.She is about a year and a half and hard to photograph. Most all pictures come out pasty.I thought it was the light but the only way she doesnt look pasty or ghostly white is if in direct sunlight.Is there any way to fix this or is it my camera?

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August 08, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  What kind of camera are you using? Are you using flash, like the camera's built in flash? Are things around the baby dark or light?

These are some of the things that might have to do with it. Especially since you said that ones in direct sunlight look fine. It's hard to say what to do without knowing what kind of camera you have. If it's just a point and shoot style, I'm not sure of much you could do. If you have an SLR then you can control the exposure. You would probably have to meter off something that's more like a neutral color. Not too dark and not too light. The other thing is if your flash went off. This will do it most often than not. The on camera flash is very harsh and will blow out skin and faces often. Especially inside where it's trying to light everything in the frame. Try turning off the flash and bracing yourself against something while inside.

Hope this helps!

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August 08, 2005

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