BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Zoltan Erdesz

35 mm WHAT ???

Moving from 35mm Rebel to a Digi Rebel I am still trying to find out what 35mm refers to. with the film size being 24mm x 36mm and the standatd SLR lense being 50mm.....Where the heck does 35 come into it ?????

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August 05, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  It refers to the width of the film - past the sprocket holes. 24x36 is the actual area of useage.

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August 05, 2005


Zoltan Erdesz
  Thanx Kerry for the response, but is that important enough to name the format.???? Is there other formats named the same way ???

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August 05, 2005


Jon Close
  Movie films are commonly referred to by the film width. 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, 70mm are the most common. 35mm film was originally developed for motion pictures and was adapted for use in still cameras.

APS film is sometimes referred to as 24mm.

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August 06, 2005


Zoltan Erdesz
  Now I think I've got it. It refers to the actual overall width of the film strip, not the frame size.

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August 06, 2005

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