BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Alicia Campbell

What Do You Think ?

I want some opinons on my photos I am only 14 but I love taking pictures any comments would be a big help because I am in the process of making a portfolio to sent to a gallery. Thanks

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August 04, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  What do I think? I think there are too many 14 year olds on this site. You all are making me feel old. Wait a minute. I am old!

I like your photos. You are doing well for someone so young, especially since you have only been shooting for a couple of years.

You do need to work on getting your subject out of the middle of the picture. Sometimes you need them in the middle but most often it is better if they are offset a little. The shot of the little girl between the fences was cute. Really like the use of shadows. It would have been more dramatic if you had waited until she was further down the lane (but you probably wouldn't want her that far away either - not for photographic purposes but for safety purposes). I like your waterfall shots. The sunset shot is very dramatic. Keep shooting.

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August 04, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  By the way, you should go back and assign a name to each photo. It makes it easier for us old folks to talk about a specific photo is we can call it by name.

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August 04, 2005


Alicia Campbell
  Thanks for the comments I will be sure to try them out ideas thanks again

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August 04, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  BTW, welcome to BP. Hope you enjoy it here.

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August 04, 2005


Brendan Knell
I'm also one of those 14 year olds that make Kerry feel old!

Welcome to BP, you'll really like it here.

I really like your photos, but like Kerry said try and use the rule of thirds. Also the date stamp can really detract from the photo, so make sure that you turn it off, and try and clone it out on the ones that you can.
If you ever would like some critique on a certian photo(or your gallery) feel free to let me know through a private message, and I would be happy to help.

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August 04, 2005


Samuel Smith
  welcome alicia,
why all the blue contrast pictures?
i might need new glasses but I can't tell if they are really in focus or if it's the ps,not bs.
not trying to be mean or anything,even the last two pictures look like you over did it in some photo program.
brendan is a very sincere person,he knows sometimes i'm an idiot,well I hope it's just sometimes.
i bought a shoelace remover so i'll get off here and try to put it to good use.but then again,if you haven't looked at some of the other galleries,you might not know what you're being compared against.
one opinion,sam

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August 04, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Sam I think that the blue photos, might be IR. I could be wrong though. I also think that they are for the most part in focus. Sam, you're never an idiot!

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August 04, 2005


Samuel Smith
  come across pretty harsh, eh,brendan,yeah?

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August 04, 2005

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