BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Justin G.

HELP!!! Is this ok?

Is this picture ok? I took this picture of a Mini Cooper in the parking lot of the zoo. It turned out well and I ran it through PS for effects and saturation. My question is: Am I allowed to have this picture in my gallery? I blurred out the license plate but I'm wondering with the mini cooper name on it, if I am breaking some kind of laws or something. I'm not going to sell these, I merely have it on this site because I like the photo. Thanks for you input.


P.S. If I am doing something wrong please reply and I will take it down immediately because I don't want to get in trouble, I just love the photo.

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August 02, 2005


Justin G.
I was even signed in the first time and it still didn't work!! Lets try this again.

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August 02, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I wouldn't worry about it. If the company even sees the photo I would bet they would be glad for the free advertising.

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August 02, 2005


Debby A. Tabb

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August 02, 2005


Collette Photography
  I cant see why anyone would mind, if anything they should think of it as free advertising!!! Really cool shot though, I love how you did the special effects!!!!


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August 02, 2005


Laura E. OConnor
  Awesome shot, Justin! The worst thing they could do is ask you to remove it from public display and threaten to sue if you don't. But anyone from their company going to see it and if they do...who would complain about such a great photo of their product?? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see anything illegal about taking a picture of a car in a parking lot! What about all those photos of brand name alcoholic beverages that we've seen on here. I surely wouldn't worry! It's a great photo!

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August 02, 2005


Justin G.
  Thank you everyone for your advice, I can see where you're coming from. I was just worried that since the mini was the main focus of the photo. Also, thank you very much for your kind remarks. I do appreciate all of them greatly!! Have a good one.


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August 02, 2005

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