BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Ben Williams

How to take night shots without flash or fast lens

I would like to take pictures of a city parade that we have here in Seattle, called torchlight parade. I have a nikon 90's camera, but have a 35 to 80 4.5 to 5.6 lense, and no flash. How would I take handhold shots?

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July 29, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  Handholding Would Not Be Possible Ben,A Tripod Isnt That Expensive, Or A Monopod At Minimun You Would Need,Movement Of People Would Be A Problem Also You Would Need A Higher Speed Film To Get The Shutter Speed Up...

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July 30, 2005


Jon Close
  Clear handheld shots may be possible, depending on the street lighting. Use a fast film, ISO 800 or 1600.

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July 31, 2005


Ben Williams
  Thank You for the information that you sent me, but a friend lent me his flash so I didn't have any problems, I hope the pictures came out ok. My next camera is going to be digital. Thank You Ben.

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July 31, 2005

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