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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Justin G.

Black and white film

Hey all, guess what? I've gained access to a dark room and learned how to develop my first roll of BW the other night. I used TMAX 400 and an 8x10 had pretty much no grain! Here's my question. Could you guys give me a couple of film reviews from your favorites in Ilford, Fuji, and Kodak?

1. What's your favorite high-contrast film?

2. What's your favorite slow speed, no grain film?

3. What's your favorite high speed action film?

Thanks for your input. I've just orded 4 rolls of Ilford (it was highly recommended by a 135/large format filmer. Thanks so much.


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July 29, 2005


Buddy Purugganan
  Justin...Personally I find your questions VERY interesting. 1. FAVORITE HIGH CONTRAST FILM - B&W PLUS from KODAK 2.FAVORITE SLOW SPEED, NO GRAIN FILM - PAN F PLUS from ILFORD (ISO 50 ) 3. FAVORITE HIGH SPEED ACTION FILM - DELTA 3200 from ILFORD Though the TMZ 3200 from KODAK is excellent too so I will consider question no. 03 a TIE! Hope you find them quite fine choices----

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July 31, 2005


Justin G.
  Thanks buddy. So do you read a lot of my questions? I try to keep the digital and film world I actually bought the PAN F Plus ISO 50, waiting on it to be delivered. I will try that out. BTW Thanks for the input. How is the grain and prints fromt he Delta 3200. I realize that is crazy fast so I'm wondering does a 4x6 or so show grain, I'm sure 5x7 does, but I'm new to the high speed world. Thanks Buddy.

Anybody else have their recommendations, and why? Thanks all.


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July 31, 2005


Justin G.
  Keeping the thread at the top, I really want to see everyone's opinions.

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August 01, 2005

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