BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Annette Leibovitz

Pictures at an indoor water park party?

I was hired to take pictures at a party of about 70 teenage children. It will be at an indoor water park. I have a SLR camera. I have an off camera flash and a stroboframe. I am looking for tips on film speed. Is there any other hints for shooting water pictures indoors? I am thinking kids will be coming down the water slide or jumping off a diving board? Thanks, Annette

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July 29, 2005


Buddy Purugganan
  With an off-camera flash it would be appropriate to use ISO 400 with all the kids running, splashing water, and, of course, colorful swimsuits. To avoid water hitting your camera---put a CIRCULAR POLARIZER and also for avoiding water reflections. Your camera in autofocus? Try the "SPORTS" mode ( either in Nikon or Canon ) so all the fast action will work with FAST shutter speeds! HAVE FUN!

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July 31, 2005


Annette Leibovitz
  Thanks. I ordered the circular polorizing filter from E-Bay. It is new so it should be fine. I do have a sports mode in my Minolta camera.

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July 31, 2005


David A. Bliss
  Just remember that the polarizer will cause you to have to use a longer shutter speed or a wider aperture.

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July 31, 2005

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