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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Jill Skaggs

Photo file size

I am trying to get some photos sent to a state magazine. I have read their requirements and something blew my mind. They require files to be at least 15mb and at least 300dpi, burn them to CD and mail them to the mag. Am I mistaken or is a 15mb file to burn to CD not unusal? I am using Photo Shop Elements 3. I have tried to resize a photo. I have it up to a 7 X 10 and 1000dpi and it is still only 12.4mb. What am I doing wrong? I have tried to contact the mag. but the editor is so busy he has not contacted me yet.

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July 28, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  It doesn't really make much sense for them to specify that it has to be at least a certain file size. It would make more sense to specify that it had to be at least X pixels by Y pixels and at least 300dpi.

Higher resolution files will naturally take up more MB, but it's the resolution you want.

That's like saying "I want a good pro-quality lens, and it needs to weigh at least 2 pounds". The quality build and large glass will weigh more, I think you get my point.

I would send them the file and see what they say.

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July 28, 2005

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