BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Dawn Cagle

Shutter release stuck on ae-1

Help! My camera refuses to take pictures! Everything seems fine when you press the shutter release,the meter works perfectly, but then... nothing! I guess I shouldn't say "nothing", about every 15th time or so it will actually take! I would appreciate ANY ideas/suggestions about how I can remedy this myself as the only reputable repair shop in our area has a turn around time of +4 WEEKS! THANKS!

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July 27, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Well I really wouldn't know, but I know that the people who do will want to know what kind of camera you have. The only other advise I can give you, is to contact the manufacturer.

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July 27, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  She has an old Canon AE-1 (good camera). Sounds like maybe your shutter is sticking. Open the back and press the shutter release to see what happens. Then try to gently prod the shutter to see if it will release. May be time for a CLA (clean, lube & adjust).

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July 28, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Well that tells you how much I know about film!

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July 28, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Believe me Brendan, it's not my knowledge that's showing. It's my age!

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July 28, 2005

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