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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


I Am Shooting With A , ND Filter

With this ND filiter it say's boost it up plus 2. So lets say my meater is reading f 11 .Oh I am working with a Cannon EOS-3 . Now do I push the botton next to the shutter botton and bring it to a plus two also ? now as I read with the water thing .Lets say I bring it down just for the waterfall picture to um f4 ,would that make the overall shot a f2 @ 100 ? Hope that made sence .

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July 26, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  You can meter with the filter on. Your camera will compensate for the two-stop difference.

If your reading is f-11 without the filter, you would need f-5.6 with the same shutter speed.
You would probably be better off changing the shutter two stops (slower) instead for your waterfall...especially if you are trying to show motion.

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July 27, 2005

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