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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Tom Walker

stop down metering

here goes,,,found a beautful 28-90 lens without a name and with a pentax T mount at a yard sale ( original mount looks like maybe a canon FD ). question? how do I use this with my 5 or 6 pentax bodies in stop down metering?

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July 23, 2005


Jon Close
  Unlikely that the original lens is Canon FD mount. Adapting FD to Pentax mount would require additional optical elements to retain infinity focus.

More likely it has an interchangable mount (T4, TX, Adaptall). See for a comparison of different lens mounts.

Stop-down metering is often explained in the user manual for the particular body (Pentax user manuals can be downloaded from the Pentax website. In general (specifics may vary by model):
Focus with aperture wide open for brightest image. Stop the aperture down to the desired setting (viewfinder will go darker). Set the shutter speed according to the camera's meter. Trip shutter, repeat.

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July 25, 2005


Jon Close
  Oops, jazzed up links.
comparison of different lens mounts.


Pentax website

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July 25, 2005


Tom Walker
  Thanks Jon, It looks like it's an adaptall mount, kinda similar in appearance to the Canon.

You didn't answer one of my previous questions, saw your name on a search of old photo topics from 5 or 6 yrs ago, and was wondering how long you've been doing this? Tom

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July 25, 2005


Jon Close
  Registered in 2000. I like the gear discussions (more of a techie than an artist). Sorry if I missed a question of yours. Sometimes I skip questions. Seems like I answer too many as it is and come off as a know-it-all. ;-)

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July 25, 2005


Tom Walker
  Not at all, your answers are the ones I read, just checked all my manuals and they all say use stop down metering but automatically assume you know how.

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July 25, 2005

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