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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

Priority Modes Compared to Manual

I've been wondering what this is for a while. I use AV mode on my 20D and my Rebel GII most of the time and sometimes TV but the only times that I use manual are when everything is staying the same or I'm going to change something that I know won't work. Sometimes I just set exposure compensation because it seems easier to just turn my dial on the back or on top depending on what camera I'm using.

My question is, isn't manual pretty much the same thing as one of the priority modes since you HAVE to select either the shutter speed or aperture first, depending on what you're going for? If you're just lining up the arrows, isn't that still letting the camera meter? Or if you're using a seperate exposure meter, is using manual only to use another type of metering like flash or ambient?

I'm not sure if this is coming out the right way but I was just wondering why you would use manual all the time when you could use AV or TV and then change exposure compensation. Maybe it's just easier on the 20D. Sometimes it helps me think more about what I'm doing though, I guess, to use manual.

What are your thoughts, and why do you do what you do?


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July 22, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Yes Andrew, you're correct. If you set the camera on Manual, choose an f-stop, then adjust the shutter speed until the meter indicates a 1-stop underexposure you will get the exact same results as you would if you set the camera on Av, choose the same f-stop, and adjust the exposure compensation to -1.

This changes if you use a flash with an EOS camera, though. Av and Manual work differently with flash.

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July 22, 2005

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