BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Brenda K. Smith

Re do of St Stephan's Dome

I took your advice and cropped more. I think it really draws the eye up more and really adds a bit of punch to the shot.

What do you think?


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July 22, 2005


Kevin Ekstrom
  Why didnt you post the pic or at least a link here. I have no idea what the pic looks like. I would like to see it.

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July 23, 2005


Brenda K. Smith
  I thought I had??? Still trying to figure out how to use this site. I posted the re do then a page came up to post another picture and I did the old one and it didn't come up on the posting. Can you tell me how to do it?

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July 25, 2005


Brenda K. Smith
Let's see if I can get it on now....

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July 25, 2005


Brenda K. Smith
one more time

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July 25, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  You have to make sure you are signed in before you can load a photo.

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July 25, 2005

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