BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Mary L. Lemley

Clarity & sharpness of scanned uploaded photos.

Are scanned photos lacking much more in clarity and overall sharpness than digital camera photos? Mine are soooo sharp before uploading and itmakes me want to cry :o( when ( example POTD for 7/21/05) is so sharp and clear, from digital camera.

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July 20, 2005


David A. Bliss
  A scanned photo should have the same, or more, clarity than a digital photo. If you are having trouble with the scans being noisy and soft, check the settings on the scanner. You might be scanning at a low resolution.

When I shot slides, I would have them scanned at the lab I had my film developed, and they turned out great.

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July 20, 2005


Mary L. Lemley
  Thanks for responding so quickly, David. I thought this was true, but wasn't sure. You've been a great help!!! Mary

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July 20, 2005

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