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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Nikon n90s metering mode (flash settings)

I am taking on the task of shooting my friends wedding in a few days,and I would like to do my best. I am not too familiar with the camera .I am used to manual cameras. I am using a Nikon n90s
with Nikon SB 28 flash. I plan on using auto flash. should I use flash in program mode or aperture Priority mode.
also I want to avoid red eye. should I leave camera on flash or red eye reducvtion for optimal use of the flash.
I dont want to over due the light.Any advide would help a lot. I just want to do my best.
Thank You

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July 19, 2005


  Unless you can master your new camera and the flash before the wedding, it is strongly not recommended to use a new camera that you are not familiar with in such an important occasion. The following link, from Mr. John Lind, has lots of information for first time wedding photographers. Hope this helps.

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July 20, 2005


Jon Close
  If you don't have it, you can download the user manual for the SB 28 flash from (click on "Tech Support").

I would not use the red-eye reduction feature. It is extremely annoying to the subjects and delays the shutter release by a second. Instead, use bounce flash where possible.

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July 20, 2005

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