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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick

Bluriness with zooming

For some reason I have found that if I take a picture (using film) with my zoom lens, then have the picture enlarged, the picture tends to be more blurry than if I use the standard lens & have one enlarged. Does anyone know why this would happen? Of course, it's probably operator error.... but it gets frustrating at times. So I rarely use the zoom unless I'm absolutely too far away to get a good shot.

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July 19, 2005


David A. Bliss
  This could be a number of things, from camera shake or a soft lens, to having the lens focusing on the wrong part of the picture or narrow depth of field.

Do you have a picture you can post as an example?

Also, do you use a tripod when you use the zoom, what is the focal length of the zoom, and what shutter speeds are you using?

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July 19, 2005


Kevin Ekstrom
  Ah yes, the soft lens. LOL
I own a Tamron AF70-300 F/4-5.6 LD-macro.

Take a look at my gallerie. The Providence pics are new. The photos are soft due to this AMAZING LENS!!!!LOL. I hate this lens but it is all I own at this time with range capability.

I had zero camera shake ( I always use a tripod) but time and time again this lens will produce soft images. It pays to invest in good glass. I just dont want to dish the cash out at this time. I do here Sigma has a great lens for around 700.00. I may look into it.

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July 19, 2005


David A. Bliss
  Yup, I have an older Tamron 28-200mm I bought around 8 years or so ago that I used with my EOS 620. Thought it was a great lens. Now, many years later, as I have improved, I look back at those shots and realize how soft the photos were. That lens now sits on a shelf, probably never to be used again!! ;-)

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July 19, 2005


Kathy L. Pollick
  David, I don't have any sample photos. They are all old & not on discs. I also just purchased my first tripod. I only used it once for my daughter's wedding shower w/my video recorder. I couldn't tell you what shutter speed & length of zoom I use as I know nothing about that stuff yet. I keep the camera on auto & it does everything for me. I need to learn all that manual stuff though. Maybe that's half my problems... I never heard of a soft lens. How do you know if you have one of those???

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July 19, 2005


David A. Bliss
  About the only way you can tell if your lens doesn't have sharp focus, meaning the focus is soft, is to set it up on a tripod, and shoot pictures at different sets of fstops and focal length combinations. Some zooms have very sharp focusing at some focal lengths, but are softer at others.

My guess is that you probably had camera shake. When you hand hold a camera, the longer the zoom, the faster the shutter speed needs to be. General rule of thumb is the shutter speed needs to be at least the same as the focal length. For example, if you shooting at 200mm, you would need a shutter speed of at least 1/200.

Camera shake is a fairly common thing. A lot of people either don't know about needing to have a faster shutter speed, or think that they can hand hold anyway. I would suggest using a tripod any time you use a zoom over 100mm.

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July 19, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Generally, zooms are sharpest at the mid-zoom focal lengths and at the middle aperture settings.
When you go to the extremes of either of these settings (or both), image quality will suffer.
Also, when focusing try to stay just under infinity...or just over the closest focusing distance, to maximimize sharpness and clarity. (Tests have proven that this is also true when using primes.)

And last:...When using your zoom lens, try not to compose your primary point of interest toward the edges of the frame or some sharpness will be lost there as well.

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July 19, 2005

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