BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Brenda K. Smith

Looking for constructive input on image

I'm looking for feed back on my image. I'm new to this site and when I see all of the beautiful immages on this site I tend to really question my work.

So please give it to me straight but gently.


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July 18, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Whether you view this site or any other exhibition, you should always question you work. It will help you grow your skills.

Don't know if you're new to photography or to your digital camera. My initial assessment is that you've taken snapshots that should/could be improved - especially with practice.

View of Danube - the gate features are very distracting. Perhaps you could have positioned the lens closer to the fence and thereby gotten rid of them. They seem, to me, to detract from the actual subject or, perhaps, be considered a competing subject - in and of themselves. I like the exposure on the background [subject???] - very stirring.

Saints of Saint Stephens Dome - it's a snapshot and you'll remember your trip. While I like it, it's not a competition winner.

Lights My Fire - I find this image very confusing. I don't understand your Title. I think you needed to be a little further away from the red "flowers" so that the viewer has a little more to relate to, as far as the impact of red.

Astrological Clock - I like the exposure. But, the person's head at the bottom of the image is disturbing. I also note the top of the building has been cropped. I realize you may not have had a choice.

A question: all of your images were taken with a digital camera. Why have you asked for these assessments in the listing for traditional cameras?

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July 19, 2005

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