BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

joe Yuen

80 and 81 series filters

I am a little confused between the usage of the cooling and warming filters. When to use, and which filter? I've seen so many beautiful sunset, dusk and dawn, night scenes with buildings etc. with the usages of either cooling or warming filters. Can anyone give some advice on how to use them?
tons of thanks.

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July 17, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  This Should Help You Out Joe;

Warming 81-A, and 81-B
Warming 81-A balances type B-tungsten (3200 K) films for 3400 K light sources, eliminating the slight warm cast. With daylight-type films, it balances the cooling effect of overcast skies or shade, and of some strobes. 81-B offers slightly warmer effect, or balances type A or type B film to clear flashbulbs.
Cooling 80-A, and 80-B
Series matches daylight-type films to incandescent ligh sources, eliminating the strong reddish cast of unfiltered film. Use the 80-A version under 3200 K light sources, and the 80-B version under 3400 K light sources.

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July 18, 2005

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