BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Larry Ginter

Learning to take better photos

Hi there! I live in the basketball capital of the world(Kentucky)and would like to go on some photo shoots with others in my area to learn more about how to take great shots. I have access to a really nice horse farm and there are many surrounding towns that have good opportunities. Anyone up for a get together on a weekend or weekday morning for a bit. I have a nikon n-80 and several nice lenses,but I need toudoring,,I think thats the word,,Thanks!!

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July 15, 2005


Justin G.
  Larry with all do respect Sir, I'm a Hoosier. And we're pretty well known for basketball. You should watch the movie "Hoosiers". I could fight it that WE are the basketball capitol of the world. Anyways I'm just giving you crap, playin around. Anyways if I still were in Indiana I'd drive to meet up with you but can't. I just shot some horses the other day actually (with my camera that is!) and they turned out nice. I thought they were fun and so beautiful! Well good luck and happy shooting!


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July 15, 2005


Jay Soldner
  KANSAS. . .

Kentucky's all-time winning coach, Adolph Rupp was born in Halstead, Kansas. He played for Kansas University.

North Carolina's best coach ever, Dean Smith, was born in Emporia, Kansas. He played for Kansas University.

The inventor of the game, Dr. James Naismith, was the head coach at Kansas from 1898 to 1907.

The basketball capitol of the world is in the center of the USA. Kansas my friends. . .

I forgot this was a photo forum . . . enjoy photography, you can only improve by practicing and studying. Have fun.


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July 15, 2005


Larry Ginter
  WOO HOO!!! I knew I would ruffel some feathers!! I know this is a photography site,,so i'll refrain from telling you that WE ARE the winningest program in the country,,na na na na boo boo! If anyone is in the area and wouldn't mind a tag along while you are shooting anything,,please let me know. Thanks to all,,and hey,we might differ on our hoops,but we STILL are the #1 country!

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July 15, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Couldn't beat Texas Western.

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July 16, 2005


Samuel Smith
  back to photography please,i'm a hoosier.

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July 16, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  If there's a direct correlation to a hoosier and photography go ahead and point it out.

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July 16, 2005


Samuel Smith
  i coach basketball,and i'm not very good.
i'm a photographer,and i'm not very good.
close as I could get?

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July 16, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  Well, during the school year I'm at IU Bloomington. That's probably too far north though. Just wish IU would become the bball power it used to out Davis...

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July 16, 2005


Nobu Nagase
  ...hey, hey,... this site has become or has been international...
...most of us aliens know about East Coast (New York) and West Coast, (LA and Ichiro's Seattle...) but nothing about the middle part.... Kentucky???, Indiana???... hmmmm

btw, those of you who did not know this, but us, foreign nationals who legally live in the U.S. are called resident alien..., and I am proud to be an alien... btw, we are not green but we carry a green card, lol...
...oh heck, I knew I should have gone out tonight...

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July 16, 2005


Nobu Nagase
  ...sorry, I didn't mean to spoil your basketball talks...
...btw, i'm from texas..., "Hook'em Horns!!!" (the Kansas photographer would know what I mean, lol...)

...anyway a little too far from where you are...
...when you get to know some photographers with same type of interest on this site, start dialogue by commenting and receving comments on photos of each other, soon you will have chance to meet up with some of them on photo shooting/outing...
Quite a few people do it here..., very friendly site to share and learn your passion in photography...

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July 18, 2005

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