BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Ben F

Panoramic Cameras

Hey all,

Has anyone here actually used the hasselblad xpan II ??... I realise its only 35mm but is classed as medium format because of its panoramic size negs..

I know of a few pro's who use this camera (not exclusively), and their images are excellent, however I recently asked a similar question on a different site and I got a few responses saying "its rubbish, only 35mm, cant get large prints, etc etc..
however... these pro's that I know of sell fairly large pano prints for quite a substantial amount of money, and they appear to be excellent quality (using velvia film which would help)..

Im thinking of purchasing one but have been put off by others suggestions that it will not produce pro results ..
I have also been suggested to goto digital (eg Canon 20D) and use patching software to make panoramic prints however the computer I have is fairly old and not very good ...

Any help please???... thank you :P

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July 14, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  Its a Specialized Camera Ben And Would Work Super For Its Designed Use (ie Outdoor Landscape Images,Cityscapes ect)If You Plan On Doing Other Types Of Photography You Would Have More Options With A 35mm Film Or Digital Slr.
It Will Produce Pro Results And Will Will Make Large Prints Close To A Medium Format.

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July 17, 2005

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