BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Collette Photography

Did this ruin my photo?

Did this blur on the bottom left of my photo ruin it? I think its the person who was trying to get the baby to smiles foot!!

What do you suggest I do to fix it?


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July 12, 2005


Brendan Knell
  I don't think it completley ruined it. Try cropping from the bottom of the hands down. I think that would really help it. Other than that I really don't know what you could do. If you're really determined you might be able to clone it out in photoshop.

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July 12, 2005


Melissa L. Zavadil
  Since the baby is sitting in a perfectly symetrical position you can clone the right side of the child flip it and force it to match the left side by distorting the photo piece. Hope you understand how to do that, email me if I can help any further. You should have great results doing this.

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July 12, 2005


Collette Photography
  Thanks fo rthe input,
I dont have photoshop yet, but I plan on getting it really soon, plus this is a film shot, but when I do get it I will try what you said.

I shot this picture for a friend of mine who wanted me to do portraits of her son, I know she will like this photo, Its just that blur bugs me!!

Melissa, if you do take the one side and flip it over to the other wont his toes on the blurred side be going the wrong direction?

thanks again,

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July 13, 2005


Liza M. Franco
Hi Collette,

In answer to your last question, if you use the horizontal flip, it will do a mirror image so everything will look correct. I did a very quick fix on your photo to show that all is not lost. Sorry, I didn't spend much time on the outside of hand and the wrist, ran out of time. This should give you an idea. I know you mentioned that you don't have PS yet, but when you get it you'll know what to do. Hope this helps.

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July 13, 2005


Liza M. Franco
  Collette's Photo
Collette's Photo

Liza M. Franco

Never tried a picture before in Q & A let's see if I can get this to work.

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July 13, 2005

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