BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

John P. Sandstedt

How Should advise members to check the Q&As

I've noticed the same questions are asked over and over, especially by new members. Folks like Jon Close, Mike Cothran, Bob Commarata [sorry, if I spelled it wrong,] and I and others have answered questions asking for an explanation of f/stop, for example, more times than should be needed. Webmaster - why not place some kind of message suggesting that answers to questions be sought, first, in the archived Q&As. With the thousands of questions noted, many answers have been given.

But, in order to use the archives effectively, there might have to be mechanism of searching topics more effectively. Can this be implemented at a reasonable cost?

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July 12, 2005


Debby A. Tabb
  Good morning John,
I have noticed this also, and since some of my posts on posing can be detailed and long. I have just suggested that they do a link surch for the topic or supplied them with the links myself and then add that if more info. is needed we will be glad to help.
Everyone here is so patient with me and my vision problems(as I go from this to caps as the day wares on or just caps all day if I am having problems)and my stummbling over learning digital stuff, that I try to always pass on the same kindness.
anyway, thats how I handle it(i have a list of subject links in my documents I refer to,and it helps me to.)
hope you have a great day,

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July 12, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I can understand the frustration in answering the same question over and over again. However, I can understand a newcomer wanting a question answered for them. It makes it seem more personal and makes them feel more a part of the community.
One thing that could help would be for BP to create a few Stickys for the most frequently asked questions, with the Stickys always at the top.

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July 12, 2005


Karen Orr
  Morning John, Debby & Kerry,

The BP members are amazing at patiently responding to questions or referring to other threads containing the same information. Having said that, I agree with John that enhancing our search mechanisms to reduce duplicate threads would be great.

Kerry, I really appreciate what you say about newcomers wanting an answer and feeling welcome. It’s that warm welcome and contact that everyone seems to love and want to protect. I’m sure we can find a way to reduce duplication while maintaining the supportive environment Debby has expressed.

I will take your feedback to Jim and Jay and see what they come up with. Please feel free to email your suggestions to me directly.

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July 12, 2005

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