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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

580 EX for Wedding coming up

I am shooting a wedding soon and have recently purchased Canon's 580 EX flash. I have been very active in photography for several years, so I am only a newbie using this flash. I have systematically studied it using each of its functions in conjunction with my 35-80mm lense. If I want to take a shot from the rear of a church santuary standing in the aisle that includes some of the congregation in front of me, how can I avoid an extremely bright foreground(like my flash bouncing off the backs of chairs in front of me) while still lighting up the front of the sactuary nicely? Thanks!

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July 11, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  There are a couple of ways to handle this. First, you could zoom your flash to its maximum zoom to narrow the beam as much as possible. Set it to manual and minimum power and set up a couple of small slave flashes near the front of the sanctuary. You only need enough power from your main flash to set off the slaves. Of course, if you have radio slaves, you won't even need the main flash.
The second option, and my choice, is to turn off your flash, place the camera on a tripod, and shoot with available light. If you are shooting digital, set your white balance for the type of lighting (most likely incandescent) in the church. If you are shooting film, attach an 80A filter to correct the color of the light.

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July 12, 2005

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