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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 
- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery

Shooting outdoor pictures at the park

What's some good techniques for shooting outside photo portraits. I have a canon elan7n with a phoenix flash, I also purchased a 5 in 1 reflector. Since my camera have a built in meter, for outside should I still use a flash/ambient meter? I was wondering how to position the reflector to get good soft images

Thank you

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July 09, 2005


Nicky Trainor
  I have the exact same question with the same camera and same reflector, but no answers yet! I think we an assistant or stand to hold the reflector. The silver side of the reflector is apparently quite harsh, so it wouldn't be good for soft images. Probably use the clear one. As long as the lighting is good with the reflector, I don't think you need the flash unless it's back-lit with the sun. Also early morning or late day will give the best light - Nicky

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August 06, 2005


Michelle Ross
  If you are shooting a group portrait you may want to use the flash even outdoors otherwise if you are in the shade the images might be a tad dark. If you have a light meter I would definitely use it to see what it suggests. . . I have found my camera meter is usually VERY different then what the light meter says. . . as far as a reflector I have gotten by without using one but if you have sun trying to peek through the trees or whatever you might want to have someone hold the diffuser one so light will still come through but won't be harsh! You can always do shots using flash and without and then you shoudl be okay!

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August 07, 2005

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