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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Joyce ONeil

Best Place To Order Fresh Fresh Kodak Porta 400NC

I'm shooting a wedding for a family member July 30th & both reputable places I've tried to order Kodak Porta 400NC is out of stock (the 5-pack bricks). I'm starting to get a little nervous. There's only one local shop in my area that carries this film & I'm worried about how long they've had it & how it's been stored.

Does anyone know of a good website besides: B&H Photo Video in NYC:
( and Adorama in NYC: (

Any suggestions will be much appreciated as I have my heart set on this film (the bride has striking red hair & I want very natural tones & saturation...)

Joyce O'Neil

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July 09, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I would probably go for B&H if you're really concerned I guess. A few months ago I ordered about 20 rolls of fujichrome velvia 100F and ISO50 slide film and it all came to me in a box with a lot of those large bubble wrap bags. I used the film about 1 or 2 rolls a week for my photo assignments at college while keeping the unused rolls in my fridge. They all came out great. I think B&H would be great. Also, every place that I've been to that has that kind of film probably knows what they're doing. Most of them have coolers that they use for their higher quality, professional films. If it worries you, check for an expiration date or ask somebody who works there. You could also order your film over the phone with B&H if you really feel like you need to ask them.

Hope this helps!

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July 10, 2005


  I just checked the B&H web site and all the 135mm Portra NC film for any speed were out. However, they still have the 400VC and 160VC USA films (a dollar more than the USAW each roll). You can have them notify you when the film come in but it may take a long time. But I can tell you my experience with the Portra VC film. I think they are better for wedding than the NC film. It gives a little more punch on the color but the skin tone is still excellent. I usually reserve the NC for product shot that require true color reproduction. I would also use the 160 speed instead of the 400 because of the grain. Hope this helps.

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July 11, 2005


Joyce ONeil
  Thanks Andrew L. & Andy S. - I think I will go with the Porta VC - I had wondered which would be best - I've heard great things about both the NC & VC - Thanks for your help... Have a great week...

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July 11, 2005

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