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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Matthew Davis

Film Developing: C41 Vs. E6 Process

Can someone please save me by telling me what the difference is between c41 process and E6 when developing films at a lab? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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July 09, 2005


Jon Close
  Film for color prints is made for C-41 processing. It results in negatives for printing. It's also used for chromogenic black & white films.
E-6 is the most common process for color reversal (i.e., slide) films. The most common are Fujichrome and Ektachrome.
Slide film can be "cross-processed" in C-41 (and vice versa), which results in unpredictable and "arty" color and contrast shifts. But this is not generally recommended (I think some labs may refuse, as it may contaminate the chemicals for normal processing).

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July 09, 2005


Matthew Davis
  Thanx a lot john, your a lifesaver.

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July 09, 2005

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