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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Tammy Comer

What lighting to use for portraits in a gym?

I have a photography session coming up, to take portraits at a prom in a school gymnasium. I know the lighting is not always best in gymnasiums. I am ready to buy some studio lighting so I figured this would be a good time to do it. What lighting and lighting accessories (umbrellas,etc.) would be best in this setting? Thank you for your help!

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July 07, 2005


Jay Soldner

I use Alien Bees. They're light, durable, easy to control, available in various power levels, less expensive than most, avaiable as a kit with accesories . . .

You can build your own kit - select what light you want, housing color you want, umbrellas, softboxes, stands, remotes, battery packs, etc. . . I know this sounds like a freaking ad, but I've had mine for 8 months and I like 'em alot.

- J

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July 07, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Prom in July?

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July 08, 2005


Tammy Comer
  Yes---a senior citizen prom that is--decorated in the 50's and 60's. It went really well. I had a blast watching a 90 year old man dancing to Grease Lightning!

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July 11, 2005

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