BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Mike Stephens

Macros v. HELP PLEASE!!

First, let me say I am humbled and thankful for all the help I recive from this site. THANK YOU.
I went on eBay in hopes of finding what I should get. (I have a Minolta Maxxum-5 with a 28-100 lens and the 100-300 mm Tamron "tele-macro" I just bought. Today I wanted to shoot an extreme close up on a sliced lemon dripping and also the wing structure/design on a bumble bee. NEITHER lens would accomodate what I desired. IF anyone has the time and patience, would someone either go to eBay (or another venue) and quickly type in a search for keywords (or just tell me them) for the best most cost effective means so I can purchase whatever it is I need to take the pics I so much want to? I am SO sorry if I'm being a burden. Again, THANK YOU =)

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July 06, 2005


Bob Cammarata

Hope this helps!

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July 07, 2005

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