BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Justin G.

Fun little survey

What's your favorite film? And why? I'm just curious to see what everyone's favorite is. Now I know there's different film for different occasions, but what film has been your absolute funnest to work with?

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July 06, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
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  fuji for color

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July 06, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros

Sorry, that was for my buddy Kerry.

When I was taking photography classes in college, I put quite a few rolls of ISO 100 Kodak Tmax 120 roll film through my MF Yashicamat TLR.

We were studying the Zone System, and with careful control of exposure and processing, I could get a very broad range of tones with virtually no grain in a 16" x 16" print.

My composition and subject selection stunk, but the film was great.

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July 06, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  I've always been partial to chromes.
Kodachrome 64 was my primary film for over 20 years. KR 25 was awesome for poster-sized enlargements....(as was Ektar 25 print film.)
These films have been either discontinued or are very hard to find and get processed. (I was never really thrilled with those cardboard slide mounts from the Kodalux processing labs.)

Now, I use Fuji Provia 100F almost exclusively. It has super-fine grain, scans well, makes great enlargements up to 16" x 20", has natural color reproduction in daylight,...and can be E6 processed at any lab.
I've tried several films and found this one to be the closest to the KR 64 I used to shoot.

Whenever possible, I like to stick with one film type and speed. In time you get to know it intimately,...what it can and can't do.
Photography is full of variables and at least I know that my film is a constant.

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July 07, 2005


Angela K. Wittmer
  I like Fuji Reala 100 for the bright colors & Kodak Portra 160 VC for skin tones. The funnest film I think would be Reala as it has great colors.

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July 07, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  CMOS? Must be a new film manufacturer - and they said film was dying! LOL (I nearly fell out of my chair on that one Chris.)

My favorite films were VPS (for prints) and KR 25 for slides. Both have been discontinued. Now I use Kodak UC (400 or 100) for great colors and Kodak NC (160 and 400) for great skin tones. Both are fine grained. My favorite B&W is Tri-X. Yes, it is grainy but I still like it.

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July 07, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  My digital XD card is my fave!!!

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July 07, 2005


Justin G.
  Chris I should always look for humor in your responses. I've never gotten a straight answer without getting a smile. Now CMOS? Is this a digital thing? I've never shot digital, I'm all film and I don't get it. Sorry :-(

Well anyways I've heard CMOS in computer terms before so i'm assuming that that's what that is. Thanks for helping the dumb! j/k


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July 07, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  CMOS is one type sensor used in digitals. CCD is another. My favorite sensor is FILM.

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July 07, 2005


Justin G.
  Me too. I'm using my first roll of Velvia 50 this weekend at the zoo and i'm excited to see how they turn out. I hear this a fun film too. I LOVE shots with bright and popping colors. back when I knew nothing of films I was just buying some polariod 200 and was always dissapointed in the results and wondering why they were always so washed out looking and no pop, then I got Kodaks 100UC and its not too bad I guess, but now i'm excited about this velvia, and then i'm going to mess wiht some provia so hopefully all this will be exciting for me. just pray no hurricanes form to ruin my fun, I was a nice bright and warm light so we're shooting outdoors in the morning, then we're going inside about the noonish times and then back out late afternoon so hopefully I get what I want!!! haha thanks kerry, always a big help!


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July 07, 2005

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