BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

shooting baseball

what is the best speed and type of film to shoot an outdoor baseball game? my camera is a nikon F2 as well as a nikon FG I will be using with B&W film in it. I have a number of lenses I will be using..any advice will be appreciated

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July 05, 2005


Buddy Purugganan
  Sports photography, especially swift action demands higher ISO print film. I do suggest you select ANY of these quality B & W films -FUJI NEOPAN ISO 400, ILFORD HP 5+ (ISO 400 ), or Kodak T-MAX 400 Pro. Both your Nikons can be manually focused with speeds like 1/250 or 1/500 to capture the thrills of the popular American sport---Enjoy!

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July 06, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  You didn't specify a day or night game. You also didn't provide any info on the lenses you'll bring.

Remember that, if you shoot at 1/250th or 1/500, you'll need wider lens apertures - focusing will become more critical. Also, at night, you may or may not have a fast enough lens.

I'd opt for ISO 800 film, either Fuji Superia 800 or Kodak MAx 800 [for color.] I'm not sure of the speeds currently available for B&W beyond those noted by Buddy.

You may want to show the action by having a little blurr. Thus, you might want to try using slightly slower shutter speeds. Also, because you'll be far away from the action, watch the direction the action comes from. If your subject is moving towards you, you can use a much slower speed than if it's moving "parallel" to you.

In some instances, you can try panning, but I don't think you'll have success at a basseball game.

Oh, and did I say it - you'll probably be too far away from the action to use a flash at all.

Good Luck.

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July 06, 2005


Justin G.
  Depending on if its a night game or not, or if its even nice and bright, Fuji's Neopan is also offered in ISO1600 with push capabilities.

here it is at BHphoto at a pretty reasonable price.

Good luck and don't forget to actually have a little fun too!



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July 06, 2005

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