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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Kevin Ekstrom

Olympus camera's.

I have a few question about the Olympus camera's.

does anyone know how many OM model types were made.

Also whis OM is considered the elite?

I never used a Olympus, but I've seen many on e-Bay and was tempted in givinig one a go.

OM1 OM2 OM10

Those are the three models I've seen listed at e-bay. Any advise? Money is not a concern.

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July 03, 2005


Linda Buchanan
  Kevin, I have used an Olympus OM10 for 25 years. In my opinion it is the zuiko lenses that are elite. I don't think the optics can be beat. I have the manual adapter to go totally manual or I can go aperture priority. I have two kids who are studying photography and they started with the Olympus. I have not used the other models, but you wouldn't regret the OM10

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July 05, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  These are the ones I am aware of: OM-1, OM-2, OM-2n (which I have and love), OM-3, OM-4, OM-4TI, OM-10, OM-2000. They were small, rugged (mine is 27 years old) and had excellent glass (Olympus is primarily a microscope manufacturer). If you buy one, you will love it.

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July 05, 2005


Kevin Ekstrom
  Thanks for the feedback.

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July 06, 2005

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