BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Mike F. Anderson

Changing camera model on existing picture

I have a default camera set up for my picture uploads. When I upload several photos at a time each photo now shows the default. How do I change the camera model for a picture that is in a gallery and has the wrong camera model by default. I've seen where you can change and update your descriptions but haven't found a place yet to change the camera information.

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November 22, 2005


Nobu Nagase
  There hasn't been a way to correct the camera selection once a photo has been posted. What some of us do is to make a note of the camera used in the photo description, or just let alone.
BP may implement the capability one day and surprise us... :D

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November 22, 2005


Mike F. Anderson
  Thanks Nobi. Luckily, I already added the correct camera in the description. I guess if we upload one at a time we have the option to select the camera, but not with the multiple upload. Appreciate your reply.

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November 22, 2005

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