BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Kay Beausoleil

Contest and Favorite Votes

For those who haven't noticed, a change announced at . Discussion going on at the end of the Changes to BP Website thread.

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August 13, 2013 - Mary-Anne Benusis

BetterPhoto Member
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  I guess there are so so so many great photos its hard for the judges to consider every single great and horrible photo (and there are many). So I can see how that helps.

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December 21, 2013


Anita Hogue
  I wished this wasn't true. I don't get a lot of favorites because I guess I don't give a lot of favorites, which doesn't mean I don't love the image and I try to tell them in the responses. Some people have so many friends and followers that give favorites. I sure hate to see a judge pick someone just because they have lots of friends that put them as a favorite. I don't really think they do that...

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December 21, 2013

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
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  Angela, if you want to participate in the BP contest, just go to the "Contest" tab on the site ( for info. You can enter one photo a day and there are ten photo categories. It doesn't cost any money.

BP usually announces "Finalists" at the end of the following month; e.g., December's finalists will probably be announced in late January. And then they announce the winners shortly thereafter. There are 111 winning photos. All of this info is on the Contest tab.

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December 24, 2013

- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
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  I favorite pictures that I love or that inspire me! I do it so I can easily find them to look at again. I also happen to prefer the older style gallery and the favs do not show up on that the way they do in the newer version.

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December 25, 2013

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