BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Susan M. Smith

April 2013 - No EP Feedback Thread

This is a thread where we can post contest entries that did not receive an EP that you would like to receive constructive ideas on why and what could be improved on the image.

Please leave feedback on the image here in this thread as many members do not wish to have those comments directly on the thread of the images. Members may want to upload a "Forum Only" copy of the image.

Stay tuned for a possible BP Club for this discussion :) Happy Shooting!

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April 08, 2013


Ken Beatty
  Tag. No EFPs so far, so I'm not sure if images have been reviewed.

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April 08, 2013


Patricia Buenting
  Tagging the thread

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April 08, 2013


Susan M. Smith
  Not sure whether to post any entries yet for feedback. Entries on 4/1 and 4/5 haven't gotten an EP, but it looks like no one has gotten EP's for anything in April yet.

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April 09, 2013

- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Peggy Pfister
Peggy Pfister's Gallery
  No EPs for me in April ...

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April 10, 2013


Ken Beatty
  As far as I can tell no EFP have been given in NL since 4/1. So don't remove any images.

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April 10, 2013


Susan M. Smith
  I got an EP on my 4/1 entry but don't have another entry till 4/5.

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April 15, 2013


Tiia Vissak
  I got EPs for 1st and 3rd (both for EODs).

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April 15, 2013


Susan Williams
  I got one on the 1st and none since. Entered every day.

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April 15, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  OK - this is the one I really thought would get an EP. Now that people 2 or 3 people are seeing EPs on the 5th, it's obvious that this will be skipped over.

I'd like some honest critiquing on the entire image. Cropping, title, post production, composition, category?

Elements of Design:
March 04 – Wattle

Thanks, Susan - for providing this opportunity.

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April 16, 2013


Ken Beatty
  Maybe the wrong category? I think it should have been Detail/Macro. Elements of Design suggest to me, man made devices and/or structures that have a design component either apparent or revealed by the image.

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April 16, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Thanks, Ken - I'm thinking you might be right. That eod category has had its boundaries so blurred that I don't "get" why half the entries in it are in it!

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April 16, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Btw, before I resubmit in close up/abstract, do you think it should be cropped in a little closer from the right side and bottom?

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April 16, 2013


Patricia Buenting
  You could try it and see what it does. I tried cropping it on screen and it looked good both ways. I do think I would try a different category. I have never understood some of the categories, sometimes even the entries make no sense.

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April 16, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Thanks, Pat. In a couple more days (just in case they're erratic again), I'll try a half-way between crop and see how that looks.

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April 16, 2013


Ken Beatty
  Wow! They are tough. I feel I'm shooting the best shot I've ever done. But I've gotten 0 on EFP... Disheartening!

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April 17, 2013


Connie J. Bagot
Here's my EOD entry for Apr 1---any thoughts would be appreciated.

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April 17, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Here are a couple of things that came to mind. Having the double vertical frame dead center might have lessened the impact.

More saturation and/or contrast might make it pop. One of my Finalists had more brilliant coloring (ID#13151852 ). Btw, out of all the entries that month, BP's choice surprised the heck out of me!

This next one is so miniscule that it may not matter... The horizontal lines feel slightly off (left side dip). It's teeny teeny teeny, but felt off-kilter nonetheless.

It sounds like a lot, but really isn't.
I've been noticing that some of my pictures which seem to pop on my laptop become dullish and/or noisy in my gallery entries.

I went into great depth just because who the heck knows what they're looking for these days. Hopefully, others will add to my look at it.

Did you enter it as an EOD? (that would have been my choice.)

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April 17, 2013


Connie J. Bagot
  Thanks you Kathy for your quick and detailed response---I really appreciate it! I always worry that I will put too much saturation and contrast into my images so your thought that there might not be enough in this one is very enlightening! I actually did the symmetry in this image on purpose---but I think you are right that it might have ended up being detrimental to it in the contest. I swear I checked the level on this multiple times but again I think you are right about the slight off-kilter feeling. So thanks a bunch for your help!

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April 17, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Connie - I must have done the scroll-test on every single horizontal line - and still wasn't sure. But then the whole image just kept feeling off (like 120th of an inch, which seems dumb.)

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April 17, 2013 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  BetterPhoto friends,

Just in case you did not see my other posts, the EP is not gone. The Editor's Picks are still being rewarded for excellent entries. If there is a delay, it just means the judges are working hard on other stuff and will get back to it asap.

We take great pride in that:

* EVERY round is judged by a human being, a pro photographer.
* We work very hard, look at EVERY photo.

* We do not take the photographer's name into account (when the contestant watermarks the photo, we of course can't control that.)

* We look only for photographic excellence, beauty, inspiration, uniqueness... and the qualities of truly amazing photography.

I greatly appreciate the love and energy that many of you have expressed in this thread and elsewhere. Your support means so much to me.


P.S. P.S. I want to reiterate that the EPs are still being given out. :-) Help me spread the word.

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April 18, 2013


Robert Jensen
  JIm ... this has happened to me before and is happening again. In wondering why some of my images have not received an EP, I look through every single image in that category, and I don't even see my images posted there! They show up on upload page as being in the right categories, but when I select those categories under current contest, the photos do not show up!!!

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April 18, 2013


Robert Jensen
  Jim ... one question: If the judges look at every photo, why would an image I post in one week, which didn't get an EP, get an EP later in the month if I repost it in the same category? Are there different judges for each category throughout the month? I can't imagine that the same judge would pass up an image in one week and then give it an EP in another week.

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April 18, 2013


Susan M. Smith
  Hi Robert,

For your contest entries, I look in my Member Center, under My Photos, then under Contest Entries. That's where I double check that my entry "went through."

I know that BP has more than one judge in the later rounds, so it's possible that they may in the EP rounds, as well. They might take turns doing EP "duty." That might explain what you are describing?

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April 18, 2013


Susan M. Smith
  Thanks for your thoughtful response, Jim!

Actually, the message Jim left on the March thread is a little more detailed, so I'll copy it in here too:

I posting the following on another thread but, because it's important that the truth be expressed, I want to copy it in this thread too.

But before I do, let me just give Susan a pat on the back for starting this thread. The original intent was to get and give feedback. I LOVE that! I always wish members did that more on every photo. We don't have time to offer constructive critique on each photo so it's AWESOME when members do so for each other. I highly recommend that you keep this up on these monthly threads and also do so on each photo. If you're concerned about judges reading it, don't be... the judges don't have time to read all the comments. And they prefer to stay out of it so a) they don't get erroneously influenced and, b) they don't see the member's name... so they can continue to judge without any bias.

Keep the focus on constructive critique...


BetterPhoto friends,

The EP is not gone. Please help me correct the misinformation that is being spread on this topic. The Editor's Picks are still being rewarded for excellent entries.

EVERY round is judged by a human being, a pro photographer. We take great pride in that: we tell the truth, work very hard, look at EVERY photo, and do not take the photographer's name into account (when the contestant watermarks the photo, we of course can't control that.) We look only for photographic excellence, beauty, inspiration, uniqueness... and the qualities of truly amazing photography.

I greatly appreciate the love and energy that many of you have expressed in this thread and elsewhere. Your support means so much to me.

The reason why we don't answer often is that we have a lot of work to do. Yes, we promote our products; that is what any company does. We serve our clients with love and in truth, AND we work to get more clients so we can continue to grow. That's business.

While we read everything, we don't often respond on these threads because we need to focus on work. And it's hard to want to respond when people are unfairly mean. We have a standard here of being constructive, supportive and helpful. Just like you would with a photographer, give thoughtful, encouraging, helpful feedback and live up to the standard of being constructive. If you would not say it about a fellow member or his/her photo, do not say it about me or BetterPhoto.

Now I want to reiterate that:

a) The EPs are still being given out.

b) I love you all :-)

c) I send you my blessings and look forward to seeing you continue to enjoy photography and pushing yourself to be your very best in your art.

d) I really appreciate the comments and energy of helpfulness that I continually witness in most members. You know who you are, and I thank you from the deepest depths of my heart.

If the forums and in your general conversation about BetterPhoto, please help me express what is true.

Don't allow yourself to get sucked into meanness or mini-flaming. Just ignore it if someone lashes out in frustration... that is nothing, especially when compared to the amazing energy of camaraderie, friendly encouragement, and family that shine here at BetterPhoto.


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April 18, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
Would you please tell me which photo you like best? Double Trouble or Double Trouble 2.

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April 21, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Double Trouble


Double Trouble 2

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April 21, 2013 - Tammy M. Anderson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Tammy M. Anderson
Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery
  Hi Sharon. I like Double Trouble 2. The light on the top bird gives it more clarity. Details are fabulous. Both are amazing captures.

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April 21, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Sharon - after opening them side by side, I'm still not sure why DT (1) appeals to me a tad more than DT2. The crop is slightly different but not enough to matter (maybe.) I think it's the tone of the blue. In the first one, it's slightly different but feels a little richer and so makes the cream colors of the birds pop a teeny bit more. The lighting is slightly darker in the first one but the contrast of the darker blue makes that unimportant to my eyes.

As I said, the differences between the two are so minimal, that it's difficult to select. I'd be proud to call either image my own.

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April 21, 2013


Connie J. Bagot
  I was going to try to give a "tie-breaker" opinion but I find myself agreeing with both opinions. The blue is better on the first (and the shadows under the wings wich I think are nice when darker) and the light on the birds is better on the second. How about overlaying #2 on #1, doing a hide all layer mask, and then brushing just the highlighted portion of the birds from #2 onto #1?

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April 21, 2013


Connie J. Bagot
  Which! not wich! My keyboard is getting kind of sticky.

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April 21, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
Thank you all so much for your help. It is greatly appreciated.

Tammy, the lighter one does seem to have more clarity but the sky
doesn't seem dark enough for me for some reason.

Kathy, the crop is exactly the same... the contrast must make it look different. I agree with everything you

Connie, I agree it is half dozen of one and 6 of the other. I don't
know how to layer so I can't do what you suggested.

So, what I have done is I used the magic wand to highlight the sky and then darkened it leaving the birds with the lighter color as in
Double Trouble 2.

Man, it's time consuming being a perfectionist. LOL

Here are the three side by side in order of darkest to lightest to make it easier to compare side by side.

1. Double Trouble (Original that has darkest gull & sky)

2. Double Trouble 3 (New and Reworked) Seagulls the same (lighter) as Double Trouble 2 but the sky is darker like the first one Double Trouble.

3. Double Trouble 2 (Original that was the lightest gull & sky)

Hope this all makes sense to you and I am so very grateful that you even take the time to read this as to make sense of it. :)

I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THIS ALL MORNING AND HAVE JUST FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO THE LINKS RIGHT AFTER MANY DIFFERENT TRIES. To bed way too late and up way too early and back to bed I will be going after I get this right. Well, at least I've learnt a lot and hopefully my mind will retain it :)



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April 21, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  PS: It wouldn't upload photos with the uploader so you have to use the link. Thanks again!!!

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April 21, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  DT3 gets my vote (and I'm really impressed with your "fix", Sharon.

Btw, I have had trouble on and off with the uploader for the past few weeks too. It keeps saying that there are too many redirects and I need to grant permissions. Then, it works with no problem on the next attempt. Arggghhh!

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April 21, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Kathy, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I'm leaning towards DT3 now myself. I appreciate your feedback and kind comment.

I can upload a photo on Internet Explorer but can't upload a photo with Firefox which is my preference.

That is what must have been my problem I forgot Firefox won't let me upload a photo and forget 3. I was working back and forth between the two servers and a little sleep deprived.

Testing on IE with an experimental photo before trying this page as I didn't want to muck it up.

Oh yes, IE kicks me out a lot and I have to sign in again. Real tolerant testers... I could grrrrrrrrrrrrr and arggghhh too!!!

I see there's new EP just now.. they have a busy 10 days a head of them with EPs, Finalists & Winners. I hope they don't go over into May with the Finalists and Winners. I hate it when that happens... that's just not right.

Well have yourself a great day and thanks again. I'm going to have breakfast and then a nap... thank heavens it's raining out anyways. :)

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April 21, 2013


Connie J. Bagot
  I vote for DT3 also. :)

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April 21, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  I started with IE and ran into problems at DIC, so switched to Firefox (Foxfire?)

Then that one became impossible to use and switched to Chrome.

Why is it whenever a site "improves" things, it becomes my technical problem to "fix"? So frustrating.

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April 21, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Thanks Connie for taking the time out to help me out.

Kathy, I agree... and I don't always know how to fix it.

Had my breakfast now I'm going to sit back and enjoy a cup of tea. TT4N

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April 21, 2013 - Tammy M. Anderson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Tammy M. Anderson
Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery
  Great work, Sharon. Will put my vote in for DT3 too.

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April 21, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Ladies thanks for all your help working on and deciding what to do with Double Trouble. I decided to delete my first entry and go with DT3 tonight. Stupid me deleted it before I copied & pasted the two comments to the new image. It's been a long day.. no nap but lots accomplished. Have a great week... I will try to make it to all your galleries to take a look and drop a line. TTYL Sharon

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April 21, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Is this something new to the new version galleries or has it always been there? I tested Susan's gallery and it doesn't happen with her photos but does on some of Tammy's & mine.

When you run your mouse over your small thumbnails of your images it shows the name you have given your photo... not the title. I've never noticed it before and I don't like it. How about you?

I know when they first changed things I couldn't name my photos before uploading them so just gave up on it so maybe they fixed it.

Do you catch my drift? :)

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April 21, 2013

- Martha R. Mazon

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Martha R. Mazon
Martha R. Mazon's Gallery
  Hi Sharon,
I didn't get a chance to see the earlier entries but DT3 is excellent! Great job.

Regarding the file names, it has been that way as long as I can remember. I don't like it either.

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April 22, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Thanks, Martha. The earlier entries were the same two as in DT TEST before adding the DT3 image, so you saw all of them. I agree that DT3 is the one so I uploaded to the contest last night.

I'm in spring cleaning mode and got a little carried away... should have waited a little longer before deleting them. Oh well... :)

Also glad you agree about the thumbnails. I think it looks tacky.

I just checked Kathy W and Connie B's galleries and theirs are the same as ours but Tammy A's has the correct title name. Maybe she could help us fix ours.

Tammy would you please let us know how you upload your photos and how you get the correct title on your small thumbnails? We don't know how to fix it. It would be greatly appreciated.

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April 22, 2013 - Tammy M. Anderson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Tammy M. Anderson
Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery
  Hi Ladies. I see what you mean. Don't know if this will make a difference but I always go to My Photos, then under the Enter Our Monthly Contest I click on the Image Upload tab. That takes me to the page then. Let me know if that is different then how yous do it.

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April 22, 2013


Ken Beatty
Not sure why I didn't get an EFP for this. Any pointers as to why? It was entered under Animals...

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April 26, 2013 - Leslie J. Morris

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Leslie J. Morris
Leslie J. Morris's Gallery
My gosling got skipped :(

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April 27, 2013


Ken Beatty
  Beautiful image Leslie. I have no idea why it was skipped. Maybe composition... Try to use the thirds more...?

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April 27, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  This gosling is adorable and well captured. No idea why it didn't get an EF. Resubmit, it will get one and more next time!

Got to get myself out there and find myself some babies to photograph. It's such a wonderful time of year for that. Love it!

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April 27, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Ken and Leslie. Your birds may have been skipped for the same reason that I'm thinking that mine was - not a tight enough crop. I'm pulling mine and trying again - it's too darned good a shot not to be a Finalist or better (let alone having an EP.

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April 27, 2013


Ken Beatty
  Unfortunately I was shooting on a 200mm on an APS-C sensor and I've already cropped the heck out of it. No resolution left.

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April 27, 2013 - Leslie J. Morris

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Leslie J. Morris
Leslie J. Morris's Gallery
  Mine is full-frame, so I could crop but I don't think that's the problem.

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April 27, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Nuts! Too bad about the options.

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April 27, 2013


Connie J. Bagot
  I've looked at these images several times and don't have any magic answers---I have a couple of images skipped this time that make me scratch my head too. I did have a couple of thoughts that I could share.

Ken, the upper part of the background and the upper part of the bird are both dark. I think it is a lovely image with great composition but it might have done better in the contest if the background had been a contrasting color so that the bird popped out a bit more. I say that too, remembering some of the bird images that have won in previous months.

Melissa, when I studied your image I realized that some of the bird is in focus and that mostly just his head and neck are blurred with movement---and I understand that the movement is what the image is about and I love the spraying droplets. But my eye just insists on going back to the bird's eye and it leaves me feeling like the whole image is out of focus even though it's not. Of course that could just be me and have nothing to do with what any judge thought.

Leslie your little gosling is adorable and perfect. I'll share something that I just read the other day. When someone looks at a photo their eye is drawn first to the lightest thing in the photo---and that thing often compels the viewer to return again and again. So even though I really like the soft white flowers framing the gosling I think it's possible that they are so intensely white that they are drawing the viewer's attention away from your subject.

I always hesitate to suggest things for fear that I will be totally wrong and hurt more than I help---but I know how good it feels to have a second person at least offer an opinion on a photo so I thought I'd try.

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April 27, 2013


Ken Beatty
  Thanks for the input Connie!

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April 27, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Connie - never be afraid to make suggestions, especially after it's already been skipped over (not before, unless asked.) Chances are that the judges may think something is wrong that we can't see ourselves. It's just another opinion, like the judges' (they could be wrong too.)

Also, thanks for sharing that part about light spots catching one's eye - it's true I think. The other thing that always bothers me is when the crop leaves an open area off the edge or something sticks out into the picture for no reason.

It always helps me to hear other comments - it's amazing how each of us can miss the teeniest flaw (that eventually becomes huge!)

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April 27, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Tammy, thank you for your feedback on the image uploading. I've tried all the ways there are in Firefox and Internet Explorer and can't upload at all on some and get the same results on the others. I will have to email tech support. I've been saving up a bunch of glitches and problems I have noticed on the site to share with them when they don't seem so busy.

Kathy, do you mean Brrrrrr? If so, what I see is... the bill of the little bird disappears into the black of the rest of it's feathers.

Connie, thank you for you info on each image you commented on as I learnt a lot from what you said.

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April 27, 2013


Susan M. Smith
  To all who've given great feedback - thank you! I also learn so much. It's like seeing through different eyes and very enlightening. I have one or two I'll be posting once this weekend is over.It's very busy at the studio where I work due to Mothers day!

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April 27, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Yes to Brrrrrrrr. I've been working on it, and will resubmit - not sure how soon.

I've been getting this message a little too often lately (sometimes during an upload and sometimes on other urls.) Frustrating!

"This webpage has a redirect loop
The webpage at [attempted url has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects."

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April 27, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Yes to Brrrrrrrr. I've been working on it, and will resubmit - not sure how soon.

I've been getting this message a little too often lately (sometimes during an upload and sometimes on other urls.) Frustrating!

"This webpage has a redirect loop
The webpage at [attempted url has resulted in too many redirects. Clearing your cookies for this site or allowing third-party cookies may fix the problem. If not, it is possibly a server configuration issue and not a problem with your computer.

Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many redirects."

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April 27, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Just did another test... I can upload from "Upload New Photo" on Firefox & Internet Explorer but I give it a title in IE and it still shows the file name in the small thumbnail in my gallery.

When I use "Image Uploader" I get the message below.

So I can't find out if in IE or FF if the title I give it would show up instead of the file name. Grrrrrrrrrr!

Page Error

The page you requested has an error. We have recorded the error and will attempt to fix it as soon as possible.
Tips and tricks:

If you were writing an input - a question, comment, or discussion - use your browser's Back button to retrieve what you wrote.
If you received this error while trying to view a photo gallery, click the Refresh button on your browser. It often works when you try to access the page a second time.
If you got this error while trying to upload an image, make sure that the image is not too large. See the instructions on the previous upload page for specific info.

The images are the right size so that's not the problem.

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April 27, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Kathy, do you know how to clear your cookies?

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April 27, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Yes, I clear them automatically and then I go through the entire list and take out any that are still in the list of visited sites.

Sharon, I've gotten that message for a long time (error 310 is fairly new - with no changes on my end of things!) The Page Error that you've cited seems to happen after I upload several images and then try to edit them. I've learned to just add the title and/or description on maybe 3, and then go to the bottom and hit Submit. At that point, I can return to the latest uploads and edit the rest of them.

If the description is the same for most of them, I keep a document open and do a copy and paste just in case BP dumps my efforts with the Page error. That way I don't have to retype it all.

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April 27, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Never seen your problem Kathy.

Regarding my problem check your small thumbnails in your gallery and you will see it has the long file name you gave it before uploading and not the title. Even if you give it the title name before uploading it still shows up the file name.

Tammy Anderson has the title name and I suppose others must have to. Many have the file name like ours. ?????? Can't figure it out.

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April 27, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Actually, I've been leaving my file number/name until I'm ready to enter it (date is in the description) and then I give it a regular title. I change it to a regular title name the day I enter the image.

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April 27, 2013


Kathryn Wesserling
  Actually, I've been leaving my file number/name until I'm ready to enter it (date is in the description) and then I give it a regular title. I change it to a regular title name the day I enter the image.

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April 27, 2013


Sharon Sawyer
  Run your mouse over your small thumbnails and see what it says. It should have the title not the file name. There must be a way BP can have it so only the title shows and not the tacky file name. Mine are quite long and ugly.

File number and title are two different things.

When you change it on the day to enter it in the contest it should change to the title name and not stay with the file name on the small thumbnail.

I hope I'm explaining it clearly, sorry if I'm not.

Well, that's enough computer for me for the day. Have a good night everyone and have a blessed Sunday!!!

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April 27, 2013


Susan M. Smith
  Hi everyone! I've started a critique thread for May images not receiving an EP. Feel free to also post any April images with no EPs that you want to improve/resubmit! (apologies, I don't know how to embed links here!)

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May 09, 2013 - Leslie J. Morris

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Leslie J. Morris
Leslie J. Morris's Gallery
  OK guys here is another anomaly in the judging system. If you look up in this thread I put in my little gosling as being passed over in April. It WAS passed over as it is my first entry for May's contest as a re-submit. It did get a May EFP - but low and behold it also got a finalist for April. It DID NOT get its EFP until May. Go figure.

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May 27, 2013

- Martha R. Mazon

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Martha R. Mazon
Martha R. Mazon's Gallery
  Leslie - the judges were still awarding April EFPs long into May, during the time when the EFP page was empty. Probably yours was among those.

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May 27, 2013

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