BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Marilyn B. Parente

Missing Titles on Contest Submissions

Since I'm new at this, I'll acknowledge the issue may be mine ...
Two days in a row, I've submitted images for the monthly photo contest. Prior to submission, I've entered photo titles and descriptions on the submission page, and each time, my image has been submitted minus what I entered. Guidance is welcome - thanks!

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March 02, 2013

- Susan Jane Allen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Jane Allen
Susan Jane Allen's Gallery
  That happened to me in the beginning--the problem was that I wasn't clicking on the submit button at the bottom of the page. Good luck!

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March 04, 2013


Marilyn B. Parente
  Susan, thanks for jumping in ... I believe I did use the Submit button, since the image posted correctly in the contest I selected - unfortunately, as mentioned, without the title.

I've since taken to adding the title pre-submission to avoid the problem, but am wondering if I've stumbled across a bug or something. I use Firefox as a browser, if that helps get deeper into solving this issue.

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March 04, 2013

- Susan Jane Allen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Jane Allen
Susan Jane Allen's Gallery
  Oh, that's right, you can submit in a contest at the same time you upload a pic. I had forgotten because I usually upload pics first and afterwards give them titles afterwards on the "edit" page--and on the bottom of that page you have to click submit. Sorry I wasn't much help!

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March 04, 2013


Marilyn B. Parente
  You responded - and the support is appreciated regardless of outcome!


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March 04, 2013

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