BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Don W. Chamblee

Judges Commenting

I've been a member here for nearly 10 years and I have never had this happen to me before. Curious if it has happened to anyone else.

In the September contest I received a finalist. During the phase between Finalist and Winner, I received an email

The Judges at

member since: 6/12/2005
Great time to click the shutter!

The Judges at

member since: 6/12/2005
Great time to click the shutter!

10/19/2011 9:35:15 AM

Just curious if that has happened to anyone else???

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November 06, 2011


Tiia Vissak
  It happened to me, too, and this was also the first time for me to get a comment from the Judges. I like this new development.

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November 07, 2011


Katrina McMeans
  I had a comment from the judges way back in the day. Don't remember exactly what it said, but it wasn't "Great time to click the shutter" :P

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November 07, 2011


Don W. Chamblee
  Katrina, thanks for responding to my question. I'm sorry I included that quote in the question to the forum. That actually was their comment to me about the specific photo in the contest. The photo was a freeze frame of a acrobat in the circus, thus the "Great time to click the shutter" comment. I was just asking generally, how often have others received responses from the judges because it was my first after many years here.

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November 07, 2011


Michelle Alton
  It's happened twice to me. As an aside, I wrote to Jim M. and asked if it would be possible to have judges provide rationale for at least first prize and Grand Prize winners. The response (several months ago) was that judges will be more "present" on the signs of that yet!

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November 09, 2011

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