BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 
- Ana Hanley

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ana Hanley
Ana Hanley's Gallery

Badge for POTD

One of my photos was POTD a few days ago but it doesn't show on my website photos.Can anybody tell me why? Thanks

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September 04, 2011


Kay Beausoleil
  Annie, go to your Member Center, then Admin Center for your website, then Photos/Display Options/Gallery Options and turn on the buttons you want.

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September 04, 2011

- Ana Hanley

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ana Hanley
Ana Hanley's Gallery
  Hi Kay,
Thanks for your suggestion but I already have all those buttons click to "show". EP and contest winner and finalist are showing ok but not the POTD

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September 04, 2011


Kay Beausoleil
  Well the only other answer I can think of is to e-mail BP directly. Good luck!

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September 05, 2011


Brian Lobdell
  Hi Annie,
One other possibility... If your image displayed on your website is a different copy than the one you entered in the contest, then the POTD tag won't be displayed.

For example, if you upload an image to your site - say on a Monday, and mark it for display, then upload the image a second time when you enter it directly into the contest on another day, you will have two separate copies of your image in your uploaded photos. The POTD tag will be linked only to the contest copy of your image, as the POTD's are selected from the contest entries.

If this is the case, you just need to find the contest image in your uploaded photos, and mark that one for display on your website. The POTD tag should then appear with it.

If you only have uploaded the image one time, then as Kay says, check with BP support. Hope this helps.

Regards, Brian

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September 05, 2011

- Ana Hanley

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ana Hanley
Ana Hanley's Gallery
  Hi Brian,
After your sugestion I went to check my photos just in case,but I only have the one copy.Same photo ID than the one that got the POTD.
I send an email to BP.
PS: you got gorgeos cats!

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September 06, 2011

- Ana Hanley

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ana Hanley
Ana Hanley's Gallery
  Hi, Just to let you know I got the badge.BP told me how.

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September 08, 2011


Ilene Samowitz
  How did you get it?

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September 08, 2011

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