BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 
- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Peggy Pfister
Peggy Pfister's Gallery

Entering different versions of same photo

Hi everyone
Newbie here ... When I shoot a subject I normally end up with more than one version of the photo ... different angle, different lighting, etc. Is it okay to enter different versions of the same subject in the contest in the same month? In the same category? In different categories?
Thanks in advance for your reply.

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July 06, 2011

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
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Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  YES, it is fine to enter variations of a shot in the same category or in different categories in a month. The only thing you need to make sure is not to put the SAME image more than once in any category in a given month. However, you CAN submit an image again next month and so on. Hope it clears the air for you, Peggy!


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July 06, 2011

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Just now checked your nice gallery and specially liked your "Monochrome" image. Welcome to BP!!!


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July 06, 2011

- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Peggy Pfister
Peggy Pfister's Gallery
  Hi Usman
Thanks very much for your response and kind encouragement! Coincidentally, Monochrome is the image I am thinking of submitting again. I have entered one version in the Monthly Theme category and I am thinking of entering the other one in the Elements of Design category. Any further thoughts you have would be very welcome and much appreciated.

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July 07, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  A lovely gallery to be sure. Welcome!

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July 07, 2011

- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Peggy Pfister
Peggy Pfister's Gallery
  Thanks very much, Carolyn!

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July 07, 2011

- Usman M. Bajwa

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Usman M. Bajwa
Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery
  Peggy, Elements of Design (EoD) is perfect for "Monochrome". Just do it!!


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July 07, 2011

- Peggy Pfister

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Peggy Pfister
Peggy Pfister's Gallery
  Thanks Usman, I did!

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July 08, 2011


Kathryn Wesserling
  Nutz! I'm still confused (and Peggy, welcome to BP, and thanks for posing this question.)

Here is my specific question... Image#8288 is uploaded in color, and also uploaded in a B/W conversion. I can't enter the color version in EOD this month, and also enter the B/W version in Monthly Theme this month?

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July 08, 2011 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  One color version and 1 b/w version (of the same exact image) would count as 2 different entries/versions---so you could enter them both into July, and choose any category you like for each of them.
(Though I'd probably NOT put them both into the same category! One in EOD and one in Theme works fine.)

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July 08, 2011


Kathryn Wesserling
  Thanks, Christopher - it was easy to enter only one category until they made July's MT, B/W. That's when I became a bit confused on the double entry issue.

Btw, that answer sure made things a little more fun for this month.

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July 08, 2011

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