BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Debra Dorothy


It says that you can enter one photo per day. Does that mean per category or one image only per day. I've tried finding information and either I'm not looking in the right place or I am just dumb because I can't find it anywhere. Thank you for your help.

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May 28, 2011


Kay Beausoleil
  Hi Debra -- it's one image a day, not one per category. This is a tricky site to find your way around in, so no you're not dumb ...

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May 28, 2011


Debra Dorothy
  Thanks, Kay that helps a lot.

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May 28, 2011


Kathryn Wesserling
  Debra - as much as I love BP for certain things, its navigation is horrid. Like trying to find the "Monthly Finalists" screen when people start congratulating each other. Of course, that one is frustrating even with a bookmarked Link (it takes days for that 'list' to make it to the Archives section.)

So....... My Bkmk folder for BP has about 30 links in it. Whenever I finally locate a desired screen, I add it to the bookmarks AND edit the name, so I can figure out what it's for. There is a grouping protocol in place, also - so I can find it more easily... For instance, ~ My Entries, ~My Photo List, ~~~~ Assign Photos to specific Album, BP List of Monthly Themes, ~EFP 05 May 2011. There are links to good Blog articles, tutes, etc. It sure saves me a lot of headache time.

Hope this helps a bit. It takes some time to organize the bookmark setup, but once you do...... There still will be something you can't find!!!! lollll

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June 06, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher
Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  I do pretty much the same thing as Kathy. When you get the page you want, save to your favorites, and then they're easy to do have to edit the names of the pages.

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June 06, 2011

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