BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 
- Jill Odice

BetterPhoto Member
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Email notifications for other members pictures

Is anybody else having this problem? Everytime I comment on somebody else's image I am now getting email notifications when somebody else comments on their pictures. I did NOT check the little box at the bottom of the discussion and as a matter of fact did NOT chenge any settings in my Member center. I went to one of the pictures in question, noticed the box was checked and unchecked it. When I looked at it again, the box autiomatically checked itself so I would get a message emailed. This is very frustrating as I comment on 50 or so images at a time, and as a result and now getting notifications on every image I comment on. I contacted BP< and they only told me to go into my member center and turn the notifications to off, but if I have to do that with every single image it really makes me feel like not bothering. I am annoyed , I like to keep in touch with my friends and now can't...

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May 04, 2011


Monnie Ryan
  I assume you've already done this, Jill, but if not, go to the Discussion section, then open the section that says something like "see discussions you've participated in" up at the top. Then make sure all the notification boxes are properly checked (or unchecked as you wish).

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May 09, 2011

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