BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Kara L. Hendricks

Thank you BP for listening!

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to the BP staff for listening and addressing complaints from members.. Since the advertisements that have been added to the image pages, there have been MANY complaints.. It seems now that the images are no longer hidden behind the ads.. We thank you for fixing that!! And as distracting as many of us still feel the ads are, I for one understand doing what you need, to keep the bottom line healthy... As many complaints as you see, I thought someone needed to offer the reverse side of that coin and say thanks when we are heard..:) THANKS!

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April 20, 2011

- Leslie McLain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Leslie McLain
Leslie McLain's Gallery
  I agree with you completely, Kara. Thanks for listening, BP. BP is the best photo sharing site on the web, thanks for keeping it that way.

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April 20, 2011


Kristy A. Keene
  Agreed! I don't really mind the ads as long as they are not affecting the website. I mean lets face it, all websites has ads!

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April 20, 2011


Karen E. Baumann
  Yes, keep this quality website going! I do agree the ads are distracting and, at first, somewhat misleading, so I would appreciate a heads up in the future so we don't go down the wrong path thinking it starts from BP.

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April 21, 2011


Datha Y. Thompson
  Absolutely Kara!! Great idea and I agree.. Thank you BP!! :)

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April 21, 2011

- Dr Silly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dr Silly
Dr Silly's Gallery
  Thank you BP, for being BP. :O)

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April 22, 2011


Chris Schofield
  Thanks BP,
As a small business owner, I know the ads are necessary. I'm glad they are not pop ups, and they really are not that distracting to me. I can ignore them, and some I've actually clicked on.

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April 22, 2011


Kara L. Hendricks
  Thanks everyone for chiming in..:)

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April 22, 2011


Carol Teal
  Yes I am glad to find that the ads are no longer covering entries and finalists. And I can definitely ignore the ads.

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April 25, 2011

- Brenda Sides

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Brenda Sides
Brenda Sides's Gallery
  Thank you, BetterPhoto:)

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April 27, 2011

- Ritajane Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ritajane Smith
Ritajane Smith's Gallery
  Thank you, BetterPhoto! Please give the
BetterPhoto Magazine a thought, I for one would be among the first to order it! :)

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May 02, 2011

- Martha R. Mazon

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Martha R. Mazon
Martha R. Mazon's Gallery
  I returned to BP this month after a one-year hiatus, and I was disappointed by the addition of annoying, distracting advertisements (even if it's apparently better than how it was originally implemented). Considering how much an annual basic subscription costs, and the additional revenue from classes and premium services, I think BP should find another way to reduce costs or increase revenue. Flickr costs half as much and it has a much better interface and display format, and it has no advertisements.

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May 22, 2011

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  That low cost may be subsidized through their relationship with Getty and creative commons. Upload to Flickr you might be automatically giving away your picture.

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May 22, 2011

- Martha R. Mazon

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Martha R. Mazon
Martha R. Mazon's Gallery
  Hi Gregory,
You're definitely not giving away your image by uploading it to Flickr. Flickr does have a relationship with Getty and you can choose to request Getty licensing, but it is only by request. Creative Commons is a non-profit licensing option which is available for photos hosted on Flickr, but again it's an option only. The default for all uploads, unless you change it, is the standard copyright. You also have the option to disallow downloads and limit who can view your photos to specific people.

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May 22, 2011


Carol Teal
  Martha, even though I can mostly tune them out, I am quite amazed now to count four ads per page! They are jammed in and do look bad. I hope if no one clicks on them, that sooner or later (and I prefer the former) they go away!

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May 30, 2011

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