BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Denise Kappa

Using Entry to sell a Photo Class?

I recently noticed that BP was using one of my contest entries in a blog ad promoting one of their online photograhy courses. No one asked if they could use my photo for their personal gain. Better yet, I have never taken a BP course. What do you think about this.

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April 19, 2011


Denise Kappa
  It's the last photo with the candy cane. I left this comment knowing that it would be moderated - but never got a response from anyone.
Since comments are moderated I will voice my comments on the use of my photograph.

I was shocked to see one of my BetterPhoto portfolio entries used for the advertising of a class that I did not take. I pay to be a member - your freebies are a thing of the past, yet you feel entitled to use my content for your own gain? I have a model release for my photo that allows me to post photo in my portfolios and blogs - not yours. Also, image is not right-click protected. In fact you encourage that the blog be shared with other bloggers!

I am outraged. How dare you give away my image! Being a stock photographer, I know that it would be very easy for someone to snag this photo and use it illegally for their own advertising, etc. with out the proper release or payment. The least you can do is to put a large watermark over the image! Really don't think that I will want to upload images in the future or pay the next membership fee.

Please pass this to Jim. I do expect a response.

Denise Kappa

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April 19, 2011


Denise Kappa
  Sorry - here is the link:

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April 19, 2011

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Denise, I just checked BP's Terms and's a cut/paste.

Be aware that, if approved for publication, your photo will be displayed to the public. Your image may be included in the BetterPhoto Q&A, in the Gallery, or in other areas of the Web site.

I'm not sure if the cut/paste above applies to your situation, though. Here's their link:

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April 19, 2011


Pat Harry
  Denise, did you contact BP directly? That would be in your best interest, if you haven't yet done that.

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April 19, 2011


Pat Harry
  Although I do think BP is within this rights in this case. But you should still contact them directly.

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April 19, 2011 - Karen E. Michaels

Contact Karen E. Michaels
Karen E. Michaels's Gallery
  Vanity got you where you find yourself. Your work is unlike any other and the world must see, so you enter a contest. Read rules and FAQ's in the future. Your written tantrum does not warrant a response, especially if you are in the wrong and do not understand or accept it.
If you don't want your work used, don't enter.

Quite simple, really.

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April 19, 2011


Denise Kappa
  Thank you for your response and feedback Ken, Pat and Karen.

Karen - ouch that smarts! You are, of course correct. The above was a gut reaction post that I fired off originally to a moderated comment box on the blog, and I should have never copied here in the public forum. If there were an edit option I would certainly delete that part now.

I am disappointed to find that BP is promoting their photography course by selecting random photos from the gallery. This seems a little dishonest to me. Surely they could find students that would be more than happy to represent what they had learned by actually taking the course.

I also am not happy that the photos are not at least right-click protected like they are in my gallery. Also inviting others to share the content on their blogs takes the content away from BP website. I expected better of BetterPhoto.

It's my own fault that I do not put my own watermark smack in the middle of all my images. At least in that way I am sure that however the photo is circulated it cannot be misused.

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April 19, 2011


Mary Iacofano
  aww shoot, wish my photo would of been picked. It's an honor to have one of your images chosen for the site. yes? no? maybe? gottagoshoot.

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April 19, 2011


Anita Hogue
  WOW, no wonder they picked your image, your images are absolutely awesome!

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April 19, 2011


Denise Kappa
  Thanks Anita. Please accept my apology for behaving badly - no excuse. I do appreciate the wonderful compliment.

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April 19, 2011


Peter W. Marks
  As my in-tray on AOL has BP messages every day, one could perhaps think that BP could have the good masnners to at least inform Denise that her work was going to be used. Perhaps your response to BP was a tad inappropriate for public consumption Denise but a bit of moral outrage never hurt anyone!
And your response Karen was totally offensive and inappropriate. 'Simple really'. Denise had the good grace to admit her error but she did have a valid point about the lack of right-click protection.

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April 20, 2011


Jessica Jenney
  I agree with Mark! Karen's response was out of line and inappropriate!

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April 20, 2011


Vicki Snow
  I agree also on Karens response..when I first read it I thought HOW RUDE!!! I mean REALLY who do you think you are? We are a "family" here at Better Photo and if you find the need to belittle another you need to do it somewhere else. You should be ashamed of yourself!!

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April 20, 2011


Denise Kappa
  Thank you for your comments Peter, Jessica and Vicki.

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April 20, 2011

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  That is something about entering contests that you'd think a stock photographer would already know.
You'd be hard pressed to find a contest/forum that doesn't tell you before hand that including your photo means there's a possibility that it could be used for further promotion of said contest/forum.

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April 20, 2011


Denise Kappa
  You have a point Greg. As I have stated before, my main gripes are the lack of security of the photo. The galleries are right-click protected and also have copyright notice clearly posted. When used in this advertising blog there is not right-click protection. Also, the sharing of the content is encouraged.

Also, I'm not happy that BP is advertising photography classes with my image - that's more than promoting the site or the contest and I find it a little dishonest. It gives the impression that I have taken the course and produced the image because of it. I'm disappointed. Just doesn't seem right to me....

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April 20, 2011

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