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Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Jessica Jenney

Where did my thread about ads go?

Where did my comment about the ads go? Has anyone seen it?

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April 15, 2011

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
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  I looked for it too! There were so many comments (way over 100) about the ads.

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April 15, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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  I guess this means they aren't going to answer you.

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April 15, 2011


Jessica Jenney
  They did answer me in a standard automated email. Just that they were going to pass it on to the marketing dept.

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April 15, 2011


Tiia Vissak
  A couple of members praised and added a link to an alternative photo site... maybe BP did not like that. It's strange that they themselves show ads to other photo contests (e.g. I saw and ad of a Chinese contest on BP).

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April 15, 2011


Jessica Jenney
  I think they just don't want anything negative about BP!

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April 15, 2011


Patti Coblentz
  Gregory will be around with some hot chocolate and sage insight shortly, most assuredly.

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April 15, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
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April 15, 2011

- Elida Gutierrez

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  This just show us how they are.

1- They know everything we do.
2- They don't have the courage to face us and answer.
3- They just care about THE FM.

If BP keeps going this road I'll not renew my membership in December, well they still have several months. But if they don't care about many member what will they care about just one, I have seen many wonderful friends leaving this site because of BP polices.


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April 15, 2011


Amy M. Wilson
  I'm due to renew my gallery in 7 days, it expires on April 22nd and I'm seriously debating this!!!

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April 15, 2011

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
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  "What a whirl, what a whirl!"

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April 15, 2011


Chris Schofield
  Well, I had heard a ton about this subject, so came in here to find it. It's gone. Somewhat disappointed that they are not allowing us to express ourselves. But if it will help any of you to understand it's this... It's business. As a small business owner, I understand why they did this. I would love to have companies pay me to advertise on my business site. Like me and my business,I don't think BP can raise their rates because people will leave for that reason. This economy, at least here in the states, is not getting better, contrary to our fabulous politicians saying it is. One thing about the ads, at least they are not pop-ups. They are fixed, so just don't click on them. I'm sure BP gets so much for each click. I can ignore them because they aren't pop-ups. I have my Delux site expiring in a month, and even with the special going on, I probably won't renew, because I think the price is too high, cheaper sites are out there. But as a small business owner, I understand where BP is coming from.

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April 15, 2011

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
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Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery
  One more time everybody...we don't care if there are ads, we just don't want them covering up an entry! I don't think that's at all unreasonable on our part.

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April 15, 2011


Anita Hogue
  I don't comment a lot on the forums but I have been checking out all these about the ads and when I checked this morning, I couldn't find them. That is strange. I don't mind ads either but I sure do hate it when my image is covered up with one of them.

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April 15, 2011


Jessica Jenney
  Here is the original thread

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April 15, 2011

- Kenneth De Pree

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kenneth De Pree
Kenneth De Pree's Gallery
  Do you think the ads are needed to keep BP afloat?

Not too long ago we got an offer to sign up for a course with Jim Miotke to learn the secrets that have made him hugely successful with BP. I didn't sign up for the course, but the advance publicity didn't give the impression that Google ads were part of his strategy.

It would be interesting to know if putting ads in amongst the photos was covered in the course.

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April 15, 2011


Jessica Jenney
  Here it is!

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April 17, 2011

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