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Category: Informative Topics on Photographing People

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Capturing the Beauty of Pregnancy

My good friend is very pregnant. She asked me to take pictures of her belly. Pregnancy is a truly amazing and beautiful thing. Any suggestions on poses, lighting, household items for props or lighting, etc? Limited equipment: I have a Canon 10D (digital), a telephoto zoom, a wide-angle zoom, and a tripod. Thanks for the help.

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November 24, 2004


Rhonda L. Tolar
  Search the Web for pregnancy or maternity photos. You will find a multitude of poses and ideas.
Get some white sheets, or light and dark scarves, to drape over the mom to be.
Do you have a soft-focus filter? If not, you should be able to soften some of the pictures on the computer editing software.
Just experiment and have fun. Your friend will love it.

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November 24, 2004


Shauna Linde
  Another quick suggestion: Look on this Web site's contest galleries under People. There are some GREAT pictures in there that might offer some ideas.

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November 24, 2004

- Greg McCroskery

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Greg McCroskery
Greg McCroskery's Gallery
I would suggest keeping it simple. Use window light and a reflector for fill light. Don't place your friend right next to the window, but about four feet away. Profile shots are excellent for pregnant ladies, and the soft window light creates a sense of depth. Use some soft draped material for the background. Try some shots using light cream or white material, and some shots using dark material such as charcoal or black. Be sure to match the tone of the material worn by your friend to the background material (e.i. dark/dark, light/light). Shoot with a fairly small aperture, e.g. f8 to give enough focal depth.

God Bless,

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November 30, 2004

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