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Photography Question 

Debby Fleischman

Using a 80-200mm for Portraits

I have a Nikon N80, a 28-80 f/3.5-5.6D, and a Nikkor 80-200 f/2.8 ED. Typically, I use the 80-200 lens for casual action shots and landscapes. Reading different articles, I understand that it is a good choice for portraits. When setting up for a portrait using the 80-200, in aperture mode, I felt like I was a mile away from the subject. When using the 28-80, I feel like I can get closer to the subject. Is this normal for the 80-200 lens?

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October 11, 2004


Jon Close
  Zoomed to 80mm, you'll be the same distance from your subject with either lens. At longer focal lengths, then you'll need to back up to get the same subject size.
The 80-200 is good for head/shoulder to tight facial portraits. If you want full length, seated waist-up shots, couples/groups, etc., then use the shorter focal lengths.

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October 11, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  any focal length can be used for portraits. free yourself.

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October 12, 2004

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