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Category: Available Light in Photography

Photography Question 

Joanne Brousseau

Shooting Indoors Without Flash

I have a Fuji S2 and I'd like to take photos of my daughter's play where I'm not allowed to use flash photography. How can I shoot photos without using the flash? I did slow down my shutter speed, but they're still too dark... any suggestions?

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December 07, 2006


  Try a higher ISO setting, Joanne. The trade-off is that you will also get you more noise, though.

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December 07, 2006


Jennifer L. Taranto
  If you do find they come out too noisy with the higher ISO, there's a program called Neat Image that does wonders with removing noise. You can take out as much or as little as you want. It's a download ( - there's a free version, or you can pay for the full version. Good luck and enjoy the play!
- Jenn T.

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December 07, 2006


  Eliminate camera shake! Use support for your cam! A table, a chair, a railing, a bannister, anything! Of course, a tripod or monopod is better still.

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December 07, 2006


Joanne Brousseau
  Ok... I do apprieciate all these great ideas, however this is for a digital camera, not a camcorder... so I'm not sure noise will be an issue... The photos I did try the other night 'after slowing down the speed' came out too dark and a little bit orange... So I know if I slow down the speed, that may help, any other ideas?

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December 07, 2006


  A digital camera at a high ISO will produce a lot of noise ... pixellation ... cruddy looking artifacts ... whatever you want to call it. But it is probably better than images that are too dark.
- Open up the lens (change the aperture).
- Use Photoshop to lighten images if all else fails
- Dnd if you haven't tried it yet, try a tripod. It does magic for me.

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December 07, 2006


Joanne Brousseau
  Thanks... I really appreciate it :-)

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December 07, 2006


Marilou Olejniczak
  Joanne, I use the Fuji S2 also. A higher ISO works good, and realy doesn't give too much noise (around 400), a tripod also helps. Don't forget that if you use too slow of a shutter speed you are going to have motion shots(unless that's what you're wanting) :)! If a tripod is not handy, then what W.S. said, a chair or anything that can help. As far as the orange goes try using the Auto white balance, it seems to work pretty good. Good luck!!

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December 12, 2006


stacey c. damon
  You will have alot of noise at a higher ISO with your camera! open the curtains during the day, turn on the lights in the house-shoot raw and correct your white balance in Photoshop afterward. Or enjoy the highlites and shadows of the darker picture and the movement in the child playing! and as my mentor loves to say "TRIPOD, TRIPOD, TRIPOD"

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December 12, 2006


Chris Tan
  Joanne - you are trading off light here, so you will need a slower shutter speed, higher ISO. Higher ISO settings WILL give you more noise, and may be intolerable depending on the camera and your preference. Try a few test shots at different ISO settings and compare. Shutter speeds as low as 1/30 mounted on a tripod will allow you to shoot quite free of camera shake, but you might get motion blur in your pictures when the subjects are moving. It's OK for the pictures to be slightly on the dark side then adjust them using photoshop or similar. Try not to use too much zoom as the aperture will be smaller for zoom shots, resulting in darker pictures. Instead, go nearer or use a higher picture resolution and crop the pics as necessary.
To solve the yellow cast, use a white balance setting - seems like you have bulb lighting for this situation.
All the best and have fun!

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December 12, 2006


Anthony D. Dean
  'Noise' in photography refers to the graininess in a photo. Not the noise the people being photographed are making.

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December 12, 2006

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