BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Available Light in Photography

Photography Question 

Courtney Lawyer

How Do You Get a White Background?

How do you "blow out" the background in your picture ... like when you want it to be all white??

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April 14, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  First, if you want it to be white, I would suggest beginning with a white background. Theoretically, any color can be made to appear white, but it's a lot easier if it's white to begin with. Then ... light reflecting off the white background must measure at least 2.5 stops brighter than your subject. Then you will have white. But be careful - you actually do not want to "blow out" the white, as it will spill into your subject matter, ruining the edges.
Michael H. Cothran

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April 14, 2005

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